IV. Application and Registration Publication of Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits

SIPO has made full preparation for the smooth implementation of the Protection Regulation of Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits. On October 1st, 2001, the first registration application of layout design of integrated circuit received by SIPO was called layout design of FM10088KCPU CLIP Circuits filed by Shanghai Fudan Micro-electronic Corporation LTD with an application number of 01500001.X. The first application published by and registered in SIPO is called MQN60101A filed by Shanghai Minqin Electronic Corporation LTD with an application number of 01500019.2. Up to December 31, 2001, SIPO has received a total of 62 applications of layout designs of integrated circuits, published and registered 32 with registration certificates issued. Since December 11, 2001, China's accession to WTO, SIPO has started to receive registration application of layout designs of integrated circuits filed by foreign applicants, and fulfilled the international obligation of protecting foreign layout designs of integrated circuits in China. 2013-07-17