VI. Patent Administration

1. Patent Pilot Work in New and High Technology Development Zones

From 2001, SIPO has planned, within 5 years, to carry out patent pilot work in new and high technology development zones (NHTDZs) over the country, exploring new ways of intellectual property management and protection in new and high technology enterprises, so as to demonstrate and lead the way of promoting intellectual property work in NHTDZs of the country. Up to now, following NHTDZs were approved to carry out patent pilot work: Yangling Model Zone for the Industrialization of New and High Agricultural Technologies in Shaanxi Province, Donghu NHTDZ in Wuhan, Deyang Model Zone of Industrialization of Patented Technologies and Huludao Patent Zone in Liaoning Province.

Major tasks of this year: SIPO respectively formulated the Implementation Plan of Patent Pilot Work in Yangling Model Zone for the Industrialization of New and High Agricultural Technologies with Shaanxi Provincial Government and the Working Plan of the State Model Zone for the Implementation of IPR System (Donghu NHTDZ in Wuhan) with Wuhan Municipality to guarantee the smooth implementation of pilot work. According to the Implementation Plan of Patent Pilot Work in Yangling Model Zone for the Industrialization of New and High Agricultural Technologies, SIPO and Shaanxi Provincial Government co-established the China Yangling Agricultural Intellectual Property Information Center. On November 4th, the first phase of construction work of the China Yangling Agricultural Intellectual Property Information Center was successfully finished and the Center was formally put into use and began its service. The opening of the China Yangling Agricultural Intellectual Property Information Net provided convenience and conditions for all walks of life to access to and effectively use foreign and domestic Agricultural intellectual property information. In March, SIPO and Shaanxi Provincial Government together organized a training seminar on intellectual property protection and management in Yangling. About 100 Officials, managers and technicians from relative agencies and enterprises in Yangling Model Zone participated in the training seminar. From September 22nd to 24th, SIPO and Wuhan Municipality co-organized " Wuhan - China Light Valley, Intellectual Property Protection Forum" at the Science and Technology Conference Center in Donghu NHTDZ, which invited high-level speakers to discuss on new and interesting topics, attracting more than 200 attendants.

2. Research on Patent Strategies and Policies

Based upon the state industrial development policies and the important fields in science and technology, we selected four technological fields, namely gene, photoelectricity, Chinese traditional medicine, and nano, in which China has advantages and potential markets, to carry out research on patent strategies and policies. Within 2001, the Research Report on Gene Patent Protection Mechanism and Tactics and the Research Report on Intellectual Property Protection to Enhance New Advantages of Chinese Traditional Medicine has passed the review and evaluation. The Research Report on Patent Strategies of Nano Technology will go through the procedure of review and evaluation soon.

3. Policy Formulation

In order to standardize and improve the patent management work, and adapt to the situation of China's accession to the WTO, SIPO formulated and circulated the Opinions on Strengthening Local Patent Management Work, the Regulations on the Recordal of Patent License Contracts, the Regulations on Reporting System of Important Patent Cases handled by Patent Administrations, the Regulations on Application Methods of Establishing Patent Application Receiving Office and other regulations and political documents.

4. Patent Management Work in Ministries and Commissions

The patent management work in ministries and commissions in 2001 focused on:

1) promoting relevant industries and departments to formulate patent management regulations;

2) guiding and helping industries and departments to carry out research on patent strategies;

3) supporting industries and departments to carry out important patent activities, such as organizing training seminars, patent information briefings in important technological fields, symposiums and so on;

4) successfully coordinating intellectual property related work and participating in the formulation of intellectual property related policies.

5. Patent Work in Enterprises and Institutes

SIPO and the State Economic and Trade Commission released the Pilot Plan of Patent Work in Enterprises and Institutes in the Whole Country, the Circular on Carrying out Patent Pilot Work in Enterprises and Institutes in the Whole Country, and the Circular on Determining the First Group of Patent Pilot Enterprises and Institutes in the Whole Country, determined a total of 60 enterprises, universities and institutes as patent work pilot units and started the new round of national patent pilot work of enterprises and institutes.

6. Patent Assets Evaluation

On the basis of completing the Research on Standardization of Patent Assets Evaluation and Parameter Science in 2001, SIPO organized the formulation work of China Patent Assets Evaluation Guide and reported to the Ministry of Finance as the criterion for assessing intangible assets.

7. Preparing to Establish China Patent (Protection)Association

On the basis of investigation and research in provinces and cities such as Shandong, Guangdong, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Beijing, Sichuan and so on and related industry associations, SIPO drafted the (Provisional) Rules of China Patent (Protection)Association, applied for the Ministry of Civil Affairs to establish China Patent (Protection)Association and meanwhile circulated notices to collect units as the initiators of the China Patent (Protection) Association nationwide. SIPO has recruited more than 150 units from the whole country, among which more than 130 were reported to the Ministry of Civil Affairs to be approved.

8. Promoting Model Projects of Industrialization of Patented Technologies

Extensive work was carried out to promote (a total of 77) model projects of industrialization. The local intellectual property offices in 28 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, which were responsible for the national model projects of industrialization, have fully started the implementation work of promoting industrialization of Patented Technologies. Under the direction of SIPO, the local intellectual property offices in 22 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government organized intellectual property training seminars for technicians and managers of enterprises implementing model projects. The local intellectual property offices in 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government was assisting model projects of industrialization to analyze and research on enterprises' development and technological innovation. The local intellectual property offices in 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government was establishing professional databases of patent documentation for 59 units implementing model projects of industrialization. 

Carrying out investigation and research on the model projects of industrialization. Investigating on 11 units implementing model projects of industrialization in Hebei, Guangdong, Shaanxi and other places, SIPO understood the needs of enterprises in technological innovation and industrialization, and discussed on the methods on how government providing service for new and high technology enterprises under the frame of market economy operating mechanism.

9. Administration of Patent Contracts and Issuance of Certificates for Advertisement of Patents

Patent Mortgage: In the year of 2001, SIPO received 21 registrations for mortgages on patent rights, of which there was mortgage worth of 203,554,800 RMB, with debts 184,750,000RMB.

Issuance of Certificates for Advertisement of Patents: In 2001, 157 certificates were issued for advertisement of patents by SIPO. 148 certificates were issued by the intellectual property administrative authorities of local provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the state plan (195 in 1998, 173 in 1999 and 253 in 2000).

Registration of patent licensing contracts: In 2001, SIPO received 110 registrations for patent licensing contracts.

10. Patented Technologies Exhibition

97 projects in 10 provinces were successfully carried out. SIPO and Daqing Municipality co-organized the Patented Utility Technologies Exhibition, among which 21 projects were implemented in Daqing and won appraisal from Heilongjiang Provincial Government and Daqing Municipality. SIPO successfully organized the intellectual property exhibition at the Yangling Trade Fair of Agricultural New and High Technologies. It was the first large trade fair of high technologies outside Beijing, in which 240 projects of 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all of which were high-tech projects owning intellectual property rights and enjoying high reputation in the country, with a business volume of 127 million RMB. The intellectual property exhibition became the "highlight" of the Yangling Trade Fair of Agricultural New and High Technologies. SIPO were honored with Distinguished Organization Award, Best Exhibition Award and Best Trade Award by Shaanxi Provincial Government, which were the three highest awards on the fair.

11. Patent Pilot Cities

The patent pilot work in cities in 2001 included the following: 1) directing pilot cities to research and formulate patent development strategies, among which 11 pilot cities selected in 1999 have finished the research reports on patent development strategies of related industries; 2) according to the Principle and the Circular about the Application for Patent Pilot Cities, Shenyang, Lanzhou, Nanchang, Hefei, Nanjing, Ningbo and Changchun being added as the national patent pilot cities; 3) issuing the Several Opinions on Further Improving the Patent Work in Patent Pilot Cities and deploying annual tasks for patent pilot cities; 4) organizing the National Patent Pilot Cities Conference. Tian Lipu, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, Li Zhong'an, Deputy Provincial Governor of Gansu, and Wang Enwei, Deputy Mayor of Lanzhou, attended the conference and made speeches. Mayors or leaders in charge of patent work from 20 patent pilot cities and patent administrations and more than 70 directors from intellectual property offices of provinces and autonomous regions where the pilot cities locate attended the conference; 5) carrying out the evaluation and acceptance work for pilot cities. The 11 patent pilot cities listed in 1999 were evaluated and accepted according to the Principle and the Criterion for Evaluating Patent Work.

12. China Patent Award Selection

In 2001, the selection work of the 7th China Patent Awards was smoothly completed. 176 patent projects were received for selection, which were recommended by ministries, commissions and agencies directly under the State Council, large companies, local patent administrative authorities, and academicians of China Science Academy and China Engineering Academy, and went through preliminary examination, professional group evaluation and appraisal committee's selection. 12 of the total were honored with China Patent Gold Award, among which 10 were patents for inventions, 1 utility model, and 1 design, co-issued by SIPO and WIPO. Meanwhile 61 China Excellent Patents were selected. 
