X. Automation

The year 2001 is the first implementation year of the "tenth five year plan" on the construction of the office's patent information system. All the projects went through smoothly according to the plan and requirements.

In accordance to the "tenth five year plan" of the office (2001-2005), the strategic target of the information construction is to provide high level information support and service system to the office and the users of the whole society. The aim is also that to provide stable and reliable technology basis and modern means for the effective dissemination of China intellectual property information to the extent of the country and the whole world. With regard to the internal work, information work should serve the core work of the whole office and mainly provide service to the patent examination and information dissemination, which is the central task of the office. Information work should focus on the enhancement of working efficiency, the acceleration of examination speed and assurance of examination quality. It should meet the requirements of the development of national economy to the patent examination work and follow the development of the advanced international level and assure the sustainable development ability of the information work in the office. As to the public, SIPO provides 7X24 hours service to the users all over the world through its governmental web site. It makes knowledge of various information on the office's policies and events available, thus set a positive governmental image. It also publicizes the intellectual property policy of the state and provides complete and comprehensive patent information service, which is for the purpose of creating better social and economic benefits to the country.

In 2001, the project of updating Chinese Patent Management System (CPMS III) went on as planned. User's demand, system analysis, system design and program coding has been finished basically. The facilities needed by the system have already been in position and the present work mainly involves data clearance, transplant and complementation. Patent examination support system has finished investigation on user's demand, preliminary system analysis and system design and it is going to enter the programming phase. For the project of electronic filing system, it has finished bid invitation and signed contract with developers on software development of the system.
In 2001, the office had reformed the intranet of the office and changed the band width of intranet into 100MB to the desktop. It used DHCP technology to allocate dynamically the IP address, re-planned the installation of network and reformed the mail system. All the staff members of the office owned their e-mail box for external contact.

In-depth indexation database for patent documentation of Chinese traditional medicine had finished its experiment on in-depth indexation and the in-depth indexation for all the patent documentation of Chinese tradition medicine were also finished.

The governmental web site of the office has been updated and some related issues like procurement of all necessary software and hardware, the entrustment of facilities and the rental of DDN specific lines has been organized and finished. The updated web site was opened from November 1 and was operating well. The public can, through the web site, from various search entrances such as bibliographic data and abstract, search all the invention patents and utility model patents in China and read and download patent documents in the image form.

With regard to the information work of patent dissemination and publication, the office established intellectual property information net for Chinese agriculture *in Yanglin. It has finished facility procurement and installation of the web site and developed agriculture version of Chinese and Abroad Patent Database and agriculture version for English Abstract of Chinese Patent. The office also checked the established system and the center is already in operation when the Yanglin Trade Fair for Agricultural Hi-technology was held.

For the work of standardization, after over one year's efforts and endeavor, the office has published 4 standards in the form of Commissioner's order: "Code Standard for Patent Applicants and Patentees (legal person)", "Code Standard for Patent Agents", "Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Table and E-file Standard for Sequence Table" and "Table Form and Code Standard (code part)". At the same time, several standard working groups have initiated their work, such as "Form Standard for Chinese Patent Data" and "Statistical Data Standard for Patent Information". All these standards are under formulation and this is a good beginning for the office's standardization work.
