
Commissioner's Summary

I. Special Highlights in the Year 2000-the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China

1.Special Solicitude from the Leaders     
2.Decision Regarding the Revision of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China was approved by the 17th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress       
3.Major Events and Important Activities

II.Patent Applications and Grant

1.Patent Applications in the Hi-Tech Field      
2.Grant of Patents for Inventions    
3.Patent  Applications    
4. Distribution of Patent Applications by Region, Profession and Country      
5.Distribution of Patent Applications by Technical Fields      
6.Patent Examination and Grant
7.Prospect for the Technical Development of Bio-fertilizer
8. Analysis and Forecast of Nano Technology.
9.Analysis of Mobile Communication Technology and Forecast of Patent Applications in This Field

III.PCT International Applications

1.Receiving and Handling of PCT International Applications       
2.PCT International Searching       
3.PCT International Preliminary Examination       
4.Establishment of PCT Search Files   
5.PCT International Applications Entering the Designated and Elected Office

IV.Reexamination and Invalidation

1. Requests for Reexamination and Cases Closed      
2.Requests for Invalidation and Cases Closed     
3.Summary on Requests for Reexamination and for Invalidation and Cases Closed      
4.Patent Administrative Procedures

V.Patent Administration

1. Coordination      
2. Formulation and Implementation of the Implementing Plans for the Fulfillment of President Jiang Zemin's Important Instructions on Intellectual Property
3.Patent Strategy Research for Major Technical Areas
4.Patent Work in High and New Technologies Development Zones
5.Model Projects for the Industrialization of Patented Technologies
6.Administration of Patent Contracts and Issuance of Certificates for Advertisement of Patents
7.Patent Trial Enterprises       
8.Patent Asset Evaluation       
9.Patent Trial Cities

VI.Legal Affairs

1.Revision of the Patent Law     
2.Revision of the Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law
3.Check-up on Other Regulatory Documents      
4.Strengthening the Guidance on Enforcement
5.Administration of Patent Agencies      
6.Administrative Reconsideration

VII.Patent Protection

1.lmprovement on Enforcement Mechanism      
2.Coordination and Guidance on Local Enforcement
3.Promotion on Local Legislation
4. Receiving and Settlement of Patent Disputes       
5.Investigation and Seizure of Passing Off  Patents

VIII.Publicity, Training and Academic Activities

3.Academic Activities


X.Patent Documentation Service and Intellectual Property Publications

1.Patent Documentation Service       
2.Intellectual Property Publications

XI.International Activities

1.Foreign-related IPR Coordination        
2.Multilateral Cooperation       
3.Bilateral Cooperation
4.Other International Activities

XII. Statistics
