IX. Automation

    The year 2000 witnessed new achievements in information technology.

    In March, the contract was signed for the development of Chinese Patent Management System (CPMSIII). Based on the schedule prescribed in the contract, demand analysis and system design had been completed. At present, the programming of those parts not much related to the latest revision on rules and examination guidelines was underway.

    As for electronic applications, the 4th draft of the user manual for software targeting at the users was finished, and the investigation and research are now being conducted for the standardization of the data format.

    The search system for US patent image specification documentation was piloting as of October 8, and it covers the period from 1974 to present. Users include all the substantive examination departments, patent reexamination board and the electronic reading room of the documentation department. They can search US patent documentation dated back to 1974.Developers had paid return visit in November and prepared to further adjust the software. The whole system was expected to be completed on time as scheduled in the contract.

    For purpose of increasing the LAN transmitting speed and solving the problem of net jam, the office has finished the net reform. The net speed after that reached 100Mbps, which resulted in great enhancement in working efficiency. The system backup was also added, thus ensured its security.

    Office automation system on electronic file within SIPO went into operation in July. It accelerated the flow cycle of the file and improved the office efficiency, thus bringing the daily management in SIPO to a new height.

    "Chinese Patent Information Project" at provincial level still continued to be constructed. In the year 2000,9 provincial centers were established.
