XI. International Activities

    In the year 2000, the office continued its role as an agency to coordinate foreign-related intellectual property affairs and strived to develop international communication and cooperation in the patent field and achieved favorable effect.

1.Foreign-Related IPR Coordination

    On January 20, the office coordinated an array of interested government departments to jointly hold the Sino-US Intellectual Property Meeting with the delegation of the United States Trade Representative. The Chinese departments involved were the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the National Copyright Administration, the Supreme People's Court, and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. At the meeting hosted by Deputy Commissioner Ma Lianyuan, the Chinese side introduced the latest development for the protection of intellectual property and further demonstrated the stand and measures by Chinese government in dealing with the intellectual property crimes and counterfeited products. The meeting produced a positive effect upon the American side in understanding the protection of intellectual property in China.

    From September 24 to October 4, the Chinese delegation, headed by Mr.Qiao Zonghuai, Ambassador of the Chinese Mission to the United Nations in Geneva and Deputy Commissioner Ma Lianyuan, with officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Intellectual Property Office, National Copyright Administration, Intellectual Property Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Chinese Mission in Geneva, attended the Thirty-Fifth Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO in Geneva, Switzerland. At the assembly, the delegation demonstrated China's opinions on some internationally concerned issues and fulfilled its mission. The assembly also approved the proposal by China and Algeria on the establishment of the World Intellectual Property Day(April 26 each year), which elevated China's reputation and status in the international intellectual property arena.

    From December 4 to 15, pursuant to the EU-China Intellectual Property Cooperation Program of 2000, the office organized a study visit on the intellectual property legislation and enforcement in Europe. The delegation was composed of members from the SIPO, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the National People's Congress and the Supreme People's Court. They visited the European Patent Office, the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Headquarters of the European Union, the Belgium Supreme Court, the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office and Siemens Corporation. Such visit achieved positive results.

2.Multi-lateral Cooperation

    In 2000, the office continued making progress in multi-lateral cooperation.

    On May 4, Deputy Commissioner Ma Lianyuan attended the meeting of the WIPO Industry Advisory Commission in Geneva, Switzerland.

    From May 11 to June 2, the Chinese delegation attended the Diplomatic Conference on the Adoption of the Patent Law Treaty in Geneva, Switzerland. The conference passed the Patent Law Treaty and its Implementing Rules. The Chinese government signed on the Treaty.

    From June 23 to 24, WIPO experts and over 70 participants from China, Korea, Indonesia, Mongolia, Viet Nam and Sri Lanka attended the WIPO Asian-Pacific Regional Training Course on PCT for Developing Contracting States in Beijing.

    From July 25 to 26,pursuant to the 2000 working plan of the EU-China Intellectual Property Rights Cooperation Program, the office and the European Patent Office jointly held an international seminar entitled Intellectual Property Protection in China, Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century. Leaders of the office, heads of other intellectual property departments in the country, a representative from the EU headquarters, President of the European Patent Office, President of the European Trademark Office and over 300 delegates from home and abroad attended the seminar. The topics included the relation between intellectual property and global trade and R&D, intellectual property and electronic commerce, patent protection for new technologies, protection of traditional knowledge and intellectual property enforcement. The seminar achieved great success.

    From October 10 to 12, WIPO Asian Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property Protection of New Technologies was held in the China Intellectual Property Training Center in Beijing. Director General Kamil Idris of the World Intellectual Property Organization attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. There were over 40 senior representatives from the public and private sectors of the Asia-Pacific Region and representatives from 43 Chinese organizations including the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the National People's Congress, the Supreme People's Court, the State Commission for Development and Planning, the State Commission for Economy and Trade, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Information Industry, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, the Chinese Academy of Science, the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Topics such as patent protection of computer software, patent protection of biotechnology, development of digital technology and copyright protection, trademark and domain name protections in electronic commerce were discussed. Madame Jiang delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony. Deputy Commissioner Ma Lianyuan delivered a themed speech.

    From November 20 to 25,Deputy Commissioner Ma Lianyuan attended the WIPO intellectual property forum in Taejon, the Republic of Korea and delivered a keynote speech.


      The left picture: International Symposium on Intellectual property Protection in China-Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century.

      The right picture: WIPO-Asian Regional Symposium on Intellectual Property Protection of New Technologies.


      The left picture: WIPO-Asian Regional Symposium on Intellectual Property Protection of New Technologies.

      The right picture: Delegation from Federal Intellectual Property Office of Yugoslavia visitinq the office and holding discussion.

3.Bilateral Cooperation

    The office's bilateral cooperation programs for the year 2000 involved the European Patent Office and the offices of the United States, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Korea, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Yugoslavia.

    New achievement was made in the bilateral cooperation with EPO. By December 31,63 SIPO examiners had been to EPO for training, study or field visits. At the same time, the office received EPO experts in the fields of electricity, physics, chemistry and mechanics. Through the studies, visits and communications with EPO experts, the examiners of the office upgraded their search and examination skills. Besides, further cooperation was conducted in automation, data input, documentation and exchange of products. In order to continue the ongoing cooperation, the office had already had a discussion with officials from the International Technical Cooperation of EPO.

    From March 25 to April 3,a team of five led by Director Ljubinka Radosaljevic of the Federal Intellectual Property Office of Yugoslavia visited the office and signed a memorandum on bilateral cooperation with the office.

    From May 21 to June 2,Madame Jiang Ying led a delegation to the United States and Brazil. In the US, the delegation visited the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the Office of the United States Trade Representative, briefing the latest developments for the protection of intellectual property in China. The team also visited the John Marshall Law School and Motorola Corporation. In Brazil, Madame Jiang visited the Brazilian Industrial Property Office and discussed the cooperation program between the two offices. She also visited the Foreign Cooperation Office of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade.

    From June 19 to July 2,Deputy Commissioner Wu Boming led a team of six to the Hungarian Patent Office and the Israeli Patent Office. A memorandum of meeting was signed with the Hungarian Patent Office and a memorandum of understanding was agreed on with the Israeli Patent Office.

    From August 27 to September 3,a team of three led by Director General Daniel Hangard of the National Institute of Industrial Property of France visited China. They also visited Chengdu, Sichuan, and delivered a special report. During their visit, both offices signed the minutes of meeting for the 15th Sino-France Joint Committee on Patent Work and the cooperation agreement on MMS database.

    From September 10 to 25, Deputy Commissioner Yang Zhengwu led a team to study patent fee collection and financial system of the British Patent Office and the National Industrial Property Institute of France. They exchanged opinions on patent fee collecting system, human resources administration and salary system.

    From October 13 to 18, Under Secretary for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office; Q. Todd Dickinson visited Beijing and Shanghai. A formal meeting was held in Beijing and the memorandum of understanding was signed. This was the first formal visit by Director of USPTO. Mr. Dickinson also visited the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and Shanghai Intellectual Property Office.

    From October 22 to 29, Mr. Wang Jingchuan led a delegation to Japan for the seventh Sino-Japan bilateral meeting and signed the memorandum of cooperation with the Japanese Patent Office. The delegation also visited the Japan Asia and Pacific Industrial Property Center and several other intellectual property organizations.

    From October 24 to 28, Commissioner Leem Lae Gue from Korean Intellectual Property Office visited Beijing and Xi'an. During the visit, the seventh commissioners' meeting was held and both sides signed the memorandum of cooperation through letters of exchange.

    From December 10 to 22, Madame Jiang Ying led a delegation to German Patent and Trademark Office and the Austrian Patent Office. When in Germany, the bilateral talk was held with the German Patent and Trademark Office. The team also visited the German Patent Court, the German Patent Attorneys Association and the BMW Corporation. In Austria, the delegation held the tenth bilateral talk with the Austrian office and signed the minutes of meeting. Madame Jiang also attended a forum and delivered a report on the latest development of the Chinese patent system. The visit to Germany and Austria achieved great success.

    The office signed the 2000-2001 cooperation working plan with the Bulgarian Patent Office through letters of exchange.


      The left picture: On August 28,Mr Daniel Hangard, the Director General of INPI,visiting the SIPO and holding discussion with leaders of the office and related personnel.

      The right picture: Visit of the Chinese delegation at the Hungarian Patent Office.


      The left picture: Delegation from USPTO visiting the SIPO and holding discussion.

      The right picture: Mr. Wang Jingchuan(on the right)shook hands with Mr.Oyikawakozo, Commissioner of Japanese Patent Office, when heading the Chinese delegation to visit the Japanese Patent Office.

4.Other International Activities

    From January 4 to 14, a Japanese delegation of corporate intellectual property management experts visited China and held seminars on corporate intellectual property management in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

    From March 12 to 25, Japanese experts in the filed of electronic filing exchanged opinions on automation system with the experts in the office and introduced the latest development of automation in the Japanese Patent Office.

    From March 28 to 31, a delegation of PCT from the Korean Intellectual Property Office visited China and exchanged views with the PCT Division of the Office.

    From April 10 to 21, Deputy Commissioner Yang Zhengwu led the team to European Patent Office and the Japanese Patent Office for purpose of in-depth research on the new office buildings and the requirement by current and future development of patent examination and automation.

    From April 12 to 16, Deputy Commissioner Guo Xiaodong led a team to the 2000 International Inventions Exhibition in Geneva. The exhibition showed to the world the achievements in intellectual property. It was also a forum to learn from the attending countries their experience in intellectual property. From June 11 to 18,a Viet Nam delegation visited China and studied the use of patent documentation, examination for industrial design and local patent work. The delegation also visited foreign-related patent agencies and Tianjin Intellectual Property Office.

    From July 5 to 8, Deputy Commissioner Ma Lianyuan attended the Commemorating Completion of the 1000 Trainee Program and Seminar on Asian Industrial Property coorganized by Japanese Patent Office and Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation in Tokyo, and delivered a special report on the development of the Chinese patent system.

    From November 5 to 12, the Asia and Pacific industrial property group of the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation visited the office and held seminars jointly with the China Intellectual Property Society in Beijing and Shanghai. Mr. Wang Jingchuan met with the delegation.

    From November 12 to 18, JPO experts in the special areas, i.e. biotechnology and business methods visited the office and delivered lectures to the examiners and patent attorneys on examination standards, search and latest developments.

    From November 16 to 20, the China Association for Inventions organized a group to attend the international invention exhibition in Hong Kong. Deputy Commissioner Guo Xiaodong also attended the event as member of the General Committee for Award.

    From November 18 to 29, Deputy Commissioner Wu Boming led a delegation of China Intellectual Property Society to Japan and visited Japanese Patent Office and Japan Intellectual Property Association. He made presentations on the latest development of the Chinese intellectual property system.

   From November 20 to 24, representatives of the Board of Appeal of the Korean Intellectual Property Office visited China and discussed patent appeal system with members from the Patent Reexamination Board. They also visited the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.
