I.Major Events and Important Activities

1. Highlights:

President Jiang Zemin met WIPO Director General Dr. Kamil Idris

President Jiang told visiting WIPO Director General Dr. Idris on January 27, 1999 that rapid progress has been made in China's intellectual property undertakings over the last two decades, and that the intellectual property legal system, with patent, trademark and copyright as its three major pillars, has taken shape and been unceasingly improved in China. In the meantime, China is undertaking its international obligations regarding the protection of intellectual property rights. The President also said that, generally speaking, China has basically met international standards and requirements in terms of the scope and level of IPR protection, that the law enforcement mechanism for IPR protection was also largely and constantly improved. In the interview, President Jiang stressed that China has always attached great importance to its cooperative relationship with WIPO. China hopes that WIPO will play a more important role in further rationalizing the international IPR system and transforming it into a component part of a new international political and economic order.

Dr. Idris responded that China has made great efforts in protecting intellectual property rights, and as a result has already established a solid IPR protection system. He said that as an important member of WIPO, China is playing a crucial role in the international intellectual property rights community. WIPO will continue to enhance its cooperation with China and will try its best to make China's IPR system a good model for the world, Idris added.

Dr.Idris and his delegation visited China at the invitation of SIPO. Also present at the meeting were Ms. Jiang Ying, Commissioner of SIPO Mr. Ma Lianyuan, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, Mr. Wang Zhongfu, Commissioner of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Mr. Yu Youxian, Commissioner Of the National Copyright Administration, and Vice Foreign Minister Mr. Yang Jiechi.

Premier Zhu Rongji Met WIPO Director General Dr. Kamil Idris

On October 13,1999,Premier Zhu Rongji conveyed his warm welcome to Dr. Idris on his return to China. He said that WIPO has played an active role in facilitating the founding and development of an Intellectual property system in China, in disseminating intellectual property knowledge and in training China's IPR working staff. Premier Zhu said that, since assuming office as the Director General of WIPO, Dr. Idris has adopted a series of new measures with regard to reforming WIPO and in particular, providing more technical assistance to developing countries, and that, Dr. Idris has also promoted cooperation with China. Premier Zhu expressed his sincere appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Idris for his efforts and contributions.

In his response, Dr. Idris evaluated highly the achievements in China's intellectual property work, and invited Premier Zhu to pay a visit to WIPO headquarter in Geneva. Premier Zhu accepted the offer with pleasure.

The main purpose of Dr.Idris'visit to China was to attend the International Symposium on Intellectual Property and Knowledge-based Economy,co-organized by WIPO and SIPO.Also present at the meeting were SIPO Commissioner Jiang Ying and Deputy Commissioner Ma Lianyuan, Commissioner Wang Zhongfu, from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Commissioner Yu Youxian, from the National Copyright Administration.

Vice Premier Wen Jiabao inspected SIPO

Vice Premier Wen Jiabao stressed, when he visited SIPO on June 4,1999,that it is necessary to further strengthen guidance in intellectual property work, perfect continuously relevant laws and regulations, effectively protect intellectual property rights pursuant to the law, amplify the law enforcement function of the local patent administrative authorities, intensify means of the law enforcement, and improve unceasingly work quality. Premier Wen also said that patent work should play its part in technological innovation, and at the same time, be integrated into the national innovation system. He pointed out that "we should provide guidance to enterprises and scientific research institutes to establish a sound patent management system, upon which they can depend to improve their capacities to protect their rights and their competitiveness in the marketplace. Intellectual property authorities should earnestly perform their obligations, and should enhance cooperation and harmonization with each other so as to push forward the healthy development of the intellectual property cause". Vice Premier Wen also summed up the following necessities for adopting the intellectual property system. The IPR system is adopted because:

1.It is in the need of establishing a socialist market economy, and is conducive to setting up a favorable market order and a market operation mechanism;

2. It is in the need of scientific progress and technological innovation, and is favorable to protecting inventions-creations, and to encouraging the creativity of technicians and researchers;

3. It is in the need of building a socialist country ruled by law, and could help the construction of a sound legal system;

4. It is in the need of carrying out the reform and opening up policy, and is. conducive to expanding international exchange and cooperation;

5. It is in the need of the construction of the spiritual civilization, and is favorable to creating a social environment where knowledge, intellectuals and talents are respected.

Some leading officials from departments and ministries under the State Council also attended the inspection, including Shi Xiushi, Zhang Zhijian,Gao Qiang, Xu Songtao etc..

Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress Peng Peiyun paid a research tour to SIPO

On June 30,1999,Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), Peng Peiyun, visited SIPO to conduct a research on patent law enforcement. During her visit, she pointed out that in order to carry out the basic state policy of ruling the country by law, and to further strengthen patent work, it is necessary and the right time to revise the patent law." For the revision of the patent law, we should not only draw from the experience accumulated in the implementation of the patent law during past decades, but also ensure that the revisions are in harmony with the international treaties and agreements". She emphasized as well that every effort should be made to accelerate patent examination and to intensify the law enforcement. Accompanying her visit were Zhu Kaixuan, Chairman of the Education, Science, Culture, and Health Committee of the NPC, as well as Nie Li, Yan Yiyu, Gu Songfen, Zhangxunsan, Chen Jiansheng and Chen Nanxian, members of the standing committee of the NPC and members of the Education, Science, Culture, and Health Committee of the NPC.

2. Major Events and Activities


In February, the functions and responsibilities of the Office of the State Council Working Conference on Intellectual Property were smoothly transferred to SIPO. Afterwards, SIPO reviewed the IPR work in 45 IPR trial enterprises and units.

In April, SIPO participated in a survey and study on intellectual property law enforcement organized by the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the National People's Congress.

From April to May, commissioners of SIPO respectively headed research teams to visit dozens of provinces, regions and municipalities, to conduct research on local institutional reform.

From June 22-24,a National Working Conference on the Law Enforcement by Local Patent Administrative Authorities was held in Beijing.

In July, the revision of the patent law was listed in the 1999 Legislation Programme of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council.

In July, SIPO officially initiated the project for constructing an information office building (the second phase).

In August, the "Three Stresses" education campaign successfully came to an end. As a result, Party conduct was improved, the anti-corruption movement was carried forward and the construction of the spiritual civilization was greatly promoted.

On August 20,the "Resolution on Strengthening Technological Innovation, Developing High Technology, and Promoting Industrialization" was issued by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council, the 13th clause of which emphasized the need to heighten intellectual property administration and protection in the process of technological innovation.It set explicit and concrete requirements on how intellectual property work should be integrated into all aspects of technological innovation.

From October 11-15,the Third Workshop on Patent Examination and Patent Agents was convened in Beijing.

From November 4-6,a National Conference on the Work of Patent Trial Cities was held in Beijing.

The Ministry of Organization under the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council issued their orders on 8 and 25 November respectively, appointing Mr.Wang Jingchuan as the Deputy Commissioner of SIPO and the Vice-Secretary of the leading Party group of the office. Before taking the new posts, Mr.Wang was a member of the leading Party group under the China Academy of Sciences and the Secretary General of the Academy.

On November 17,Commissioner Jiang Ying released to the media comments on the signing of the Sino-US bilateral agreement on China's entry into WTO. She said that China's accession to WTO would impose profound influence on intellectual property development in China.

In November, to make preparations for the revision of the patent law, officials from the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council were invited to visit Guangdong province for conducting a site research, together with SIPO experts.

On December 29,SIPO??s Web site was open to the public on the internet.

105 high-tech projects were selected and listed by SIPO in the "Model Projects for the Industrialization of Patented Technologies.

The EPOQUE patent search system was installed and brought into full operation.

Foreign-related Activities:

From January 26-28,Dr.Kamil Idris, the Director General of WIPO, was invited to visit China. On behalf of WIPO, Dr. Idris presented some WIPO publications to the China Intellectual Property Training Center. During his stay in China, discussions were held between him and the SIPO Commissioner Jing Ying. Commissioner Jiang was also present at the ceremony conferring on Dr. Idris an honorary professorship of Peking University, where she made a congratulations speech.

From March 23-25,the "WIPO Asian Regional Symposium on Intellectual Property and Information Technology" was co-organized by WIPO and SIPO, and held in Beijing.

On April 23,China became a member state of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV).

In July, China signed, at the Geneva Diplomatic Conference, the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs.

From 19-29,September, the Chinese delegation attended the Thirty-fourth Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of Member States of WIPO.

From October 13-15,the"International Symposium on Intellectual Property and Knowledge-based Economy", co-organized by WIPO and SIPO, was convened in Beijing.

On November 8,the Intellectual Property Protection Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan was concluded. Commissioner Jiang Ying and Uzbeckstanian Vice Premier signed the Agreement on behalf of their respective governments.
