III. PCT International Applications

1.Receiving and Handling of PCT International Applications

In 1999, SIPO received 233 international applications,99 fewer than the previous year. Among those received, 208 used Chinese as the working language and 15 used English. And of all the applications,49 related to mechanics,47 to electronics, 52 to chemistry, and 75 to physics and other technical fields.

2.PCT International Searching

As an International Searching Authority under the PCT, SIPO established search reports for 298 international applications and communicated them respectively to the International Bureau of WIPO and the applicants according to the prescribed time limits of the PCT.

3.PCT International Preliminary Examination

In the process of conducting international preliminary examinations, SIPO took in 193 requests for international preliminary examination. 138 preliminary examination reports were made and were communicated to the International Bureau and to the applicants.

4.Establishment of PCT Search Files

In 1999, the division within SIPO responsible for PCT international searching established search files for 30 international applications according to the PCT minimum documentation requirements. Over 6,800 patent documents falling into 130 IPC subclasses were made available to examiners.

5. PCT International Applications Entering the Designated and Elected Office

By December 31,1999, SIPO received 13,328 international applications that designated China and entered into China's national phase, two of which were for utility models and the remainder for invention patents.

In 1999,SIPO developed the Automated Flow Management System for PCT Applications Entering the International Phase, and began to receive electronic applications. At the same time, SIPO improved the Automated Flow Management System for PCT Applications Entering the National Phase.

According to statistics cited in the pamphlet published by WIPO,74,023 international applications were received by WIPO's International Bureau in 1999,10.47% up over the previous year. In the same year, 52,252 PCT international applications originating in various countries designated China and were published.

