VIII. Publicity, Training and Academic Activities

1. Publicity

Due to the rapid development of the world economy and the need for further opening up to the outside world, patent and other IPR issues have become more and more important. To quickly improve the nation's awareness of IPR protection and establish a more favorable social environment in which IPR is respected requires urgent work.

SIPO's IPR public awareness campaign benefited from several major developments which took place in 1999,such as: the Convening of the National Technical Innovation Conference sponsored by the Chinese CPC Central Committee and the State Council; Decisions of the Chinese CPC Committee on Critical Issues Relating to the Reform and Development of State-owned Enterprises; the signing of the Sino-U.S.Bilateral Agreement on China's entry into WTO; and other important matters relating to the national economy and IPR work.

SIPO invited correspondents from major media to investigate the IPR situation in 10 provinces and cities. Specific issues reviewed and reported on by the media included: IPR and the Knowledge-based economy, IPR and Technological Innovation.

SIPO also invited experts and scholars from the IPR community to write articles for an open column in the People's Daily on IPR issues. Besides, SIPO organized discussions on topics such as: IPR and Technological Innovation, China's Entry into WTO and Intellectual Property, and launched other public awareness-building activities.

In 1999,SIPO dedicated significant resources and attention to the construction of the Office's Internet Website, emphasizing content and quality of information placed on the site. On December 29,1999,SIPO's Website opened formally to the public on the Internet.

In the same year, the former' China Patent News' and the former Patent Documentation Publishing House were re-named the China Intellectual Property News'and the China Intellectual Property Documentation Publishing House respectively, and further expanded their business scope and influence.

2. Training

1). Patent Examination Training

SIPO provided training for 42 new examiners in 1999.In order to make the training more work-oriented, SIPO revised its training program according to previous experience in order to unite theory and practice.

In order to speed up the examination of patent applications, SIPO transferred 10 examiners from the Utility Model Examination Department to the Substantive Examination Departments in 1999.To meet real professional development needs, SIPO designed a special training program for these 10 examiners adding more case analysis to the course's theoretical content. This enhanced the staffs' practical knowledge of invention patent examination procedures.

In1999, SIPO organized four office-wide seminars on patent examination, addressing common problems existing in examination work. Participants included examiners, Directors General of SIPO's Examination Departments and top SIPO personnel. In total, more than 300 people attended. Ideas and solutions formed during the seminars greatly pushed SIPO examination work forward.

In order to standardize training for new patent examiners, SIPO promulgated Evaluation Methods for New Examiner Performance in 1999. In 1999,to coordinate the use of the EPOQUE search system, SIPO provided rotation training, lasting 12 weeks, to all in-service patent substantive examiners.

2). Professional Training

In order to improve the staff's command of foreign languages, SIPO invited Professor Terrence Prime from East Arglia University of Britain to give an English lecture on new IPR developments in Europe. In addition to SIPO staff, patent agents from foreign-related patent agencies in Beijing also attended the lecture. SIPO also organized 20 training courses to improve the staff's capacity of using computers under the network environment. In compliment, SIPO also organized training of trainer courses to improve internal professional and teaching skills and guarantee teaching quality. Outside professionals were invited to give instructions to SIPO tutors.

In response to the Chinese Administrative Reconsideration Law, SIPO sponsored two workshops on implementation matters.

At the invitation of China Patent Agency (HK),SIPO sent eight examination experts to give lectures in Hong Kong. Additionally, SIPO was invited by the Party School of the Capital Steel Company to provide distinguished lecturers to teach relevant courses.

SIPO also encouraged its staff to pursue advanced studies during their spare time and gave its recognition of their improved credentials.

3).General Training

In 1999,the China Intellectual Property Training Center(CIPTC)further strengthened its work of IPR training. It compiled and published teaching materials and textbooks while replenished its teaching activities infrastructure. It also organized 11 training courses for approximately 800 attendees. The training course contents included: patent practice, patent management in enterprises, IPR-related litigation and an introduction to foreign IPR law systems. The trainees consisted of patent agents, patent examiners, professionals from enterprises engaged in IPR work, and judges dealing with IPR cases.

In 1999, the CIPTC kept compiling a textbook series entitled "China IPR Textbooks". One sub-series "IPR litigation actions" were compiled and published, including a textbook entitled" Analyses of Typical Patent Dispute Cases. Another sub-series "Patent Administration" is to be finalized soon. And other sub-series such us "The Legal System for Trademark Protection", "Patent agent ", "Basics for IPR Laws" and "Patent Documentation and Information" are being compiled. The CIPTC library ordered 13 Chinese magazines,17 foreign journals, 32 kinds of Chinese books and 54 kinds of foreign books, and collected training materials from nine training seminars. CIPTC received 78 publications donated by WIPO, 118 American legal books from John Marshall Law School(JMLS), and 50 sets of materials donated by the Japanese Patent Office and the Korean Industrial Property Office. The preparation work for CIPTC Network Project was completed and will be activated soon.

On November 18,1999, the opening ceremony for the IPR Master Degree Advanced Courses, organized by CIPTC and the Central China University of Science and Engineering (CCUSE), was held in CIPTC. The ceremony was moderated by SIPO's Deputy Commissioner Mr. Wu Boming. Madam Jiang Ying, Commissioner of SIPO and Dean of CIPTC, Zhou Ji, President of CCUSE, and Mr. Johnston, Dean of JMLS, attended the ceremony and made speeches. More than 100 people from all walks of life attended the opening ceremony and more than 50 people from approximately 20 institutions became the first students.

In 1999,CIPTC continued to engage in international exchange and cooperation. In May, Mr. Ma Lianyuan, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, visited the United States and signed a draft framework agreement with John Marshall Law School outlining a Co-training Master of Law Program between CIPTC and JMLS. In November, Commissioner Jiang Ying signed the formal Programme Agreement with Dean Johnston in Beijing.

Sixteen groups from the U.S., Japan, Germany, Bulgaria, France, Austria, Sweden, Korea, WIPO and EPO visited CIPTC in 1999.

3. Academic Activities The Patent Committee of the China

Intellectual Property Society (CIPS) held a symposium for professional-academic exchange in the field of intellectual property on February 3,1999 in Beijing. Around 120 persons attended the conference. Commissioner Jiang Ying and Deputy Commissioner Wu Boming were present and delivered speeches. Altogether, five topics were addressed at the conference, including: the knowledge-based economy and patent strategies, revision and improvement of the patent law and regulations, patent examination, search of patent documentation, databases and automation, and general patent management. This was the second such symposium sponsored by the Patent Committee. Eighty-three theses were presented during the conference, and a collection based on these theses was later published.

From March 23-25,SIPO and WIPO jointly sponsored the WIPO Asian Regional Symposium on Intellectual Property and Information Technology. From March 31-April 2,a Symposium on Trademark Law and Practice was co-organized by the China Intellectual Property Society, the China Trademark Association and the International Trademark Association, in Beijing. SIPO Deputy Commissioner Ma Lianyuan, President of the China Trademark Association Liu Minxue and President of the Inter national Trademark Association Mao Side attended the opening ceremony and presented speeches. Around 50 experts from home and abroad attended the symposium. Topics of the symposium included: latest developments and key issues in trademark protection at home and abroad, a comparison between trademark-related international treaties and national laws in various countries, the relationship between trademark protection law and other intellectual property laws, improper registration of trademark and revocation, reform of laws on trademark protection, trademark and domain names on the Internet, appellations of origin and geographical indications, trademark strategies in enterprises, and the integrated management of trademarks. In June, SIPO and WIPO jointly held an advanced workshop on Intellectual Property and Development. At the invitation of the Taiwan General Association of Industries, a delegation from the China Intellectual Property Society, headed by Wu Boming(Executive Director of the Society and Director of the Patent Committee), visited Taiwan from June 21-30.During the visit, the delegation met people from the Taiwanese intellectual property community. The delegation also attended the Conference on Theories and Practices of Trademarks and Patents on Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits in Taipei and Gaoxiong. Around 200 people from the IPR community in Taiwan, including scholars, lawyers, IPR administrators in enterprises participated in the conference.

From October 13-15,SIPO and WIPO jointly held the International Symposium on Intellectual Property and the Knowledge-Based Economy in Beijing. More than 250 representatives from China and over 30 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe attended he symposium.

To meet the challenges of the 21st century, the symposium focused on the special role and function of intellectual property in the development of the knowledge-based economy. Discussions also touched on: the influence of the knowledge-based economy on the future international intellectual property protection system; international IPR system trends; strategies for adapting to the demands of the knowledge-based economy; and promotion and enhancement of cooperation in the field of international intellectual property. The Director General of WIPO, Dr. Kamil Idris, was present at the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

From October 11-15,SIPO, assisted by the Jiangxi Provincial Patent Administrative Authority, held The Third National Seminar on Patent Examination and Patent Agents in Jinggangshan,Jiangxi province. SIPO Deputy Commissioner Wu Boming and Deputy Director General of the Jiangxi Provincial Science and Technology Commission Yang Gulping attended the seminar and presented important speeches. Nearly 100 patent agents and applicants from 54 entities in 17 provinces and municipalities nationwide and in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, together with 27 representatives from 14 SIPO departments, attended the seminar. The seminar subject matter focused on the "Acceleration of Examination of Patent Applications and Effective Protection of Patent Rights". At the invitation of CIPS, the Japanese Intellectual Property Association delegation, headed by Sadao Matsumula, visited Shanghai and Beijing from October 18-22. SIPO Commissioner Jiang Ying, Deputy Commissioner and Deputy Executive Director of CIPS Ma Lianyuan met the delegation members.

From November 1-2,CIPS and the Intellectual Property Education and Research Center of Peking University jointly sponsored the Third Intellectual Property Academic Seminar for Both Sides across the Taiwan Straits. Nearly 140 experts from both sides across the Straits participated in the seminar. Seminar topics included: intellectual property protection on internet, intellectual property protection of digital technologies, technology assessment and technology transfer, and the prospects for intellectual property protection in the 21st century on both sides of the Straits. SIPO Commissioner Jiang Ying and Deputy Commissioner Ma Lianyuan were also present at the opening and closing ceremony respectively and delivered speeches.
