In an effort to support constructing an creative country, the CNIPA has tried many ways to provide the public and applicants with some medium and platform for communications.
Government Website
The official website of the CNIPA is a professional government website which covers the government function, laws and regulations, and news and development, with a browser for search and enquiry and in both Chinese and English. The address of the website is:
Customer Service Center
The CNIPA’s Customer Service Center serves as a service window, offering 24-7 telephone consultation to the public and applicants. In addition, consultation vis-a-vis, on the Internet or by post is also available. All kinds of services are free of charge. The customer service telephone number is 010-62356655.
Local Patent Information Center
The CNIPA has started to set up local patent information centers across the country and provide them with patent data since 2001. The establishment of local patent information centers has advanced the wide dissemination and effective exploitation of patent information in technological innovation and economic activity in the local area.
Documentation Information Service
It is one of the CNIPA key responsibilities to provide patent information service to the public. Patent documents are not only available to the public in paper form, but they can also be viewed, searched, downloaded, printed, and transmitted through on-line databases. An on-line patent documentation information consultation service is provided on the CNIPA’s website.