> Support > FAQ > Fee

How much and when shall the petitioner pay the reexamination fee?

The petitioner shall pay the reexamination fee, within three months after the receipt of the rejection decision, which for an invention patent application is 1000 RMB, and for a utility model patent application or a design patent application is 300 RMB.

The petitioner may request for reduction or postponement of payment of the reexamination fee when he has difficulties in paying the fee. Where the request complies with the provisions of reduction and postponement, the petitioner may be approved with reduction or postponement of payment of the reexamination fee by some percentage, which is 60% for a patent application of service invention or 80% for that of a non-service invention.

If the petitioner has been approved with reduction or postponement of any patent-related fees by some percentage when filing the application or requesting for examination, he may be approved with reduction or postponement of payment of the reexamination fee by 60% for an patent application of a service invention or by 80% for that of a non-service invention.

For more information concerning reexamination fee please refer to the following website: http://www.sipo-reexam.gov.cn/scyfw/bszn/