State Councilor Wang Yong Stressed on Strengthening IP Protection and Fostering a Favorable Innovation and Business Environment at the Home Event of National IP Publicity Week 2019

State Councilor Wang Yong attended the home event of National IP Publicity Week 2019 and gave a speech. He stressed that it was necessary to follow the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement IP strategies, comprehensively strengthen IP protection and continue to optimize innovation and business environment to release the vitality of innovation and creativity to the largest extent and vigorously support high-quality economic development.

He pointed out that to accelerate the building of a modern economic system and open China to the outside world in an all-round way has presented new and higher requirements on IP work. Local departments should earnestly implement the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and State Council, with a commitment to innovation-driven development, improve IP strategies and plans to soundly and strongly turn China into a country with strong IPRs. We should accelerate the building of an IP protection system integrating strict protection, comprehensive protection, quick protection and cooperative protection, improve the punitive compensation system on IP infringements, punish IP infringements and unlawful behaviors severely by law, and treat and protect both foreign and domestic-funded enterprises equally without discrimination. We should continue to improve the examination quality and efficiency and optimize our operation and service system to promote IP creation and application and develop IP-intensive industries. We should also deepen international IP cooperation to promote the establishment of international rules on IP that are open, inclusive, balanced and effective.

Before the event, State Councilor Wang Yong met WIPO Director General Francis Gurry and his delegation. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)