General Information
Updated: 6 20,2016 Source:0

Name of Office:

Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China

Location and mailing address:

6 Xitucheng Road, Jimen Bridge, Haidian District, Beijing,  100088China


(86-10) 62 35 66 55 (customer service)


(86-10) 62 08 84 76 (PCT international phase matters)


(86-10) 62 08 83 00 (PCT national phase matters)

Facsimile machine:

(86-10) 62 01 94 51 (PCT international phase matters)



Does the Office accept the filing of documents by means of telecommunication (PCT Rule 92.4)?

Yes, by facsimile machine

Which kinds of documents may be so transmitted?

All kinds of documents

Must the original of the document be furnished in all  cases?

Yes, within 14 days from the date of the transmission, if the trans-mitted document is the international application or a replacement sheet containing corrections or amendments of the international application
No, only upon invitation in the case of other documents

Would the Office accept evidence of mailing a document, in case of loss or delay, where a delivery service other than the postal authorities is used (PCT Rule 82.1)?


Is the Office prepared to allow applicants to make applications available to the WIPO Digital Access Service for Priority Documents (DAS) (PCT Rule 17.1(b-bis)?

Yes, the Office is prepared to allow applicants to make national applications available to the WIPO DAS

Competent receiving Office for nationals and residents of China:

State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China or International Bureau of WIPO, at the choice of the applicant

Does national legislation restrict the filing of international applications with the International Bureau of WIPO?

Yes, filing restrictions apply to: Inventions made in China

Competent designated (or elected) Office if China is designated (or elected):

State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China

May China be elected?

Yes (bound by Chapter II of the PCT)

Types of protection available via the PCT:

Patents, utility models

Provisions of the law of China concerning international-type search:


Provisional protection after international publication:

(1) International application published in Chinese: the applicant has the right provided under Article 13 of the Patent Law to the requirement of the payment of an appropriate fee for the exploitation of the invention from the date of international publication.
(2) International application published in a language other than Chinese: the applicant has the right provided under Article 13 of the Patent Law to the requirement of the payment of an appropriate fee for the exploitation of the invention from the date of publication in the Chinese Patent Gazette of a translation into Chinese of the international application submitted by the applicant to the Office.

Information of interest if China is designated (or elected)

Time when the name and address of the inventor must be given if China is designated (or elected):

The indication of the inventor’s address is not required by the Office. The name may be in the request or may be furnished later. If not already complied with within the time limit applicable under PCT Article 22 or 39(1), the Office will invite the applicant to comply with the requirement within a time limit fixed in the invitation.

Are there special provisions concerning the deposit of microorganisms and other biological material?
